18th ESPI Autumn Conference

Scaling European Space Capabilities for Security & Defence: From Ambition to Implementation

1 - 2 October 2024 Urania Observatory, Uraniastraße 1, 1010, Vienna, AT

Conference Recap

The Autumn Conference is one of the annual highlights of ESPI’s calendar, offering a platform for European and international stakeholders to convene and hold informed and in-depth space-related discussions that reach beyond headlines.

This year, the 18th edition of the Autumn Conference was held on the 1st and 2nd of October 2024 in an in-person format. This year’s discussions focused on “Scaling European Space Capabilities for Security & Defence: From Ambition to Implementation”, and addressed questions related to how to better leverage Europe’s space capabilities for the continent’s security and defence needs.

Hosted at the Urania Observatory in Vienna, this two-day event comprised four panel sessions and a high-level thematic debate.

Read the full recap of the 18th ESPI Autumn Conference here.

Confirmed Speakers

We welcomed the following speakers to this year’s Autumn Conference:






Essay Competition

Ahead of this year’s Autumn Conference, ESPI once again invited students and young professionals to participate in an essay competition based on the Conference’s theme, Scaling European Space Capabilities for Security & Defence: From Ambition to Implementation.

Please visit the Essay Competition webpage for further information and guidelines.

Travel & Accommodation

We are pleased to provide various travel and accommodation options to make your visit to Vienna and the Conference as enjoyable as possible. In the accompanying Travel & Accommodation document, we outline directions to the Conference venue from both the Vienna International Airport and Vienna Central T (Hauptbahnhof), as well as an indicative list of hotels in the vicinity of the Conference venue.

Access the Travel & Accommodation document here.

Additional Information

For any questions or to request more information, please send a note to Lina Pohl at <lina.pohl@espi.or.at>.

The Autumn Conference is supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

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