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First Roundtable of European Space Commands and MoDs

The evolution of the international environment has pushed Security & Defence matters at the forefront of the space sector. Space solutions provided by institutional and private systems are increasingly utilised in a dual-use and military context due to their unique added value for the conduct of operations. In addition, specific entities have been set up in several European states to directly address space issues.

Recognising the increasing pace of these evolutions, ESPI is committed to strengthen and facilitate the European reflection on space security and defence topics across the various stakeholder communities. Therefore, on 30 September 2024 we organised the 1st Roundtable of European Space Commands and Ministries of Defence, a closed-door event that welcomed 13 representatives from 8 European countries.

The event had two main objectives:

  • Exchanging views and best practices on the establishment of entities specifically dedicated to the realm of military space
  • Reflecting on the approach(es) to establish and sustain cooperation between military and industrial space actors

Public key takeaways of the Roundtable are available here.


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