In an increasingly dynamic space sector, and as a core pillar of its culture, the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI), promotes an unwavering commitment to fostering an inclusive work culture. At the heart of this commitment lies a proactive stance towards gender equality in its own workplace but also within the aerospace sector more broadly.
To date, ESPI is making positive inroads to achieving gender parity amongst its staff members, and – at the time of writing – boasts a female to male ratio of 52% to 48%, respectively.
In the last year, ESPI has also achieved two significant milestones with respect to its commitment towards gender equality: first, was its active support in launching the Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-E) – Austria chapter and second, its membership to the Women in Aerospace Europe (WIA-E) network, recognizing the importance of a diverse workforce in shaping the future of space and its impact on wider society.
You can read more about ESPI’s commitment and more about its workplace culture in the 2023 Annual Report.

To celebrate and amplify the voices of its female staff and members of its Advisory Council, a selection of messages can be found below in answer to such important questions as:
- What message do you think is most important to young women and girls thinking about a career in the space sector?
- Have you faced any barriers in your career because of being a woman? If so, how did you overcome them?
- What kind of influence do you strive to have on your female colleagues around you and/or in the wider space sector?
- In light of UN SDG 5, what does gender equality mean to you? What does gender equality in the space sector look like to you?