On 31st May 2023, ESPI Director, H. Ludwig Moeller, gave a speech at the 66th Annual Session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS).
This was the first time that he addressed the UN COPOUS in this capacity since his appointment as ESPI’s Director in September 2022.
Aside from introducing his new role, in his speech, he also described ESPI’s work, announced the upcoming celebration of ESPI’s 20th anniversary, and shared the vision for “ESPI 2040”.
In addition, he presented the Vienna Space Diplomat (VSD), a new ESPI engagement platform designed specifically for the space diplomatic community in Vienna and the first event under this umbrella – the inaugural VSD summer reception to be held on 13th July 2023 with the Permanent Representation of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as the host.
ESPI has already registered substantial interest of those wishing to join the VSD platform. The Director’s speech at UN COPUOS thus reaffirmed ESPI’s importance in space diplomacy.
ESPI’s Director’s full speech at the 66th Annual Session of UN COPUOS can be found by clicking on the image above or here.