Agenda item 6 (a) of 2023 UN COPUOS Legal Subcommittee is dedicated to the definition and delimitation of outer space. The topic has been a regular agenda item for the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space for over half a century.
While the lack of a clear delimitation has not caused major issues, ongoing technological advancements and the ever-growing interest for space tourism, suborbital flights and HAPS are now posing new policy and legal challenges, including questions related the required synergies between ATM and a future STM regime. Challenges are further exacerbated by the inclusion of high-altitude activities within the remit of national space law by different countries.
The ESPI Evening event aims to foster an exchange of views on the emerging challenge of definition and delimitation of space and high-altitude activities.
18.30 Doors open
19.00 Welcome and opening by ESPI
19.10 Introductory speeches and moderated discussion
- Steven Freeland, Emeritus Professor, Western Sydney University
- Fatheya Al Sharji, Senior Space Legislative Specialist, UAE Space Agency
- Colin Scott, Principal Airspace Regulator, ATM & Aerodromes, Civil Aviation Authority
- Denis Lebleu, Stratobus Operation, Thales Alenia Space
20.10 Buffet Reception
22.00 Event Wrap-up
Refreshments at the event are kindly offered by ESPI.
A detailed event agenda will be provided prior to the event.
Please note this is an in-person event. Participation is open to all delegates to the 62nd session of UN COPUOS LSC without registration. Limited number of seats (with mandatory registration) is available to broader public on a first-come, first-served basis. Please register here.