On 4 April 2024, the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) welcomed students of TU Wien’s new and innovative Executive MBA Space Architecture students. The EMBA student delegation, led by Dr. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger, Academic Director of the EMBA Space Architecture Programme at TU Wien, and Dr. Man-Wook Han, Programme Manager of the Technology & Engineering Programme at TU Wien, visited ESPI for a “space-field trip” on Space and Sustainability as part of a module of the EMBA programme.
Following a roundtable and a presentation of the agenda by Lina Pohl, ESPI Research Fellow seconded by DLR and Austria & Germany Relations Officer, who organised and moderated the session, ESPI Director Ludwig Moeller opened the session with an introductory presentation on ESPI, including the ESPI2040 policy vision , as well as ESPI’s Research Area “Green & Sustainable Societies”. This was followed by a presentation by Sara Dalledonne, ESPI Research Fellow and Lead on Regulatory Affairs, on the ESPI Research Area “Space as an Asset”.
The first thematic block of presentations addressed “Sustainability in Space”. To showcase ESPI’s engagement in this field, several presentations on ESPI reports followed, including:
- “Space Spectrum Management: Foundations for an Informed Policy Discussion Towards WRC-23 and Beyond” by Sara Dalledonne.
- “Space Safety and Sustainability Momentum” by Lina Pohl.
- “On-orbit Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing: State of Play and Perspectives on Future Evolutions” by Lucas Bersegol, ESPI Research Fellow seconded by CNES.
The second thematic block of presentations addressed “Space for Sustainability on Earth”. For the occasion, Costanza Crivelli Visconti, ESPI Research Fellow seconded by ASI, presented ESPI’s Space for Climate study and ESPI’s support for the S4GF (Space for Green Future) Accelerator.
The presentations were followed by a Q&A session, and the discussions addressed questions beyond these two research areas to include discussions on sustainability on the Moon and space exploration.
For more information on this session and on ESPI engagement with the Austrian space community, please contact Lina Pohl at <lina.pohl@espi.or.at>.