On 11 April 2024, more than 70 participants in the 2024 European Rounds of the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court were hosted by the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) for an event followed by an evening networking reception.
The event was convened under the theme: “ESPI’s Activities and Recent Evolutions in the Space Regulatory Environment”. ESPI Research Manager, Matija Renčelj introduced ESPI and its activities to the audience, before giving the floor to Professor Irmgard Marboe, the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) national point of contact for Austria and professor at the University of Vienna. ESPI Research Fellow and Lead on Regulatory Affairs, Sara Dalledonne, then walked participants through ESPI’s work on the regulatory area of research.
Two discussions then ensued: the first presented by ESPI Research Fellow and Lead on Security and Defence, Mathieu Bataille, under the theme “What’s Next for Europe in Multilateral Engagement on Space Security?” The second presentation was delivered by ESPI Research Fellow and Lead on Regulatory Affairs, Sara Dalledonne, on the topic of “Space Spectrum Management: Foundations for an Informed Policy Discussion Towards WRC-23 and Beyond”.
ESPI Research Fellow, Costanza Crivelli Visconti coordinated and facilitated the event and can be contacted at <costanza.crivelli.visconti@espi.or.at> for any questions.