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SWF-ESPI Regulator to Regulator Dialogue on Licensing Large Constellations

On February 14, 2023, the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) and the Secure World Foundation (SWF), convened a regulator-to-regulator dialogue on approaches to the licensing of large constellations, with a specific emphasis on the possible role of orbital carrying capacity or thresholds.

The Dialogue was held under the Chatham House rule and was hosted at the offices of the European Space Policy Institute in Vienna.

Given the concurrently unfolding session of the UN COPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, taking place between the 6 and the 17 of February 2023, this Third Edition of the dialogue (A Series initiated by SWF) focused on interinstitutional dynamics and reinforced synergies between existing national and international structures.

This Dialogue brought together space and spectrum regulators from multiple countries and international organisations, to discuss each of these challenges and existing and potential future inter-institutional dynamics.

Three notable topics of discussion emerged during the dialogue:

  • The interplay of capacity approaches & first-come-first-served dynamics
  • Facilitating exchange between space and spectrum regulators
  • Impact of large constellations on the work of UN COPUOS STSC

This Summary Report offers a brief overview of the discussions, views, concerns, and positions shared during the Dialogue.


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