On 5 February 2024, the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) and the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) hosted a United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS) Side Event titled: “The Strategic Value of Earth Observation: Maximizing the Benefits for Governments and the International Community”.
The event took place at ESPI’s new premises in Vienna as part of ESPI’s Vienna Space Diplomat (VSD) initiative. It convened a diverse audience, both from inside and outside the space community, including delegates to the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC). The event’s Master of Ceremony was Lucas Bersegol, ESPI Research Fellow.
The event started with opening notes from Hermann Ludwig Moeller, Director of ESPI and Lena Halounová, President of ISPRS and continued with two moderated conversations.

The first conversation was moderated by ESPI Research Fellow Gabriele Redigonda and focused on the commercialisation of the Earth Observation sector, including the benefits and challenges arising from an open and free data policy. Gabriele was joined by the following panellists:
- Rune Floberghagen, Head of Climate Action, Sustainability and Science Department, European Space Agency
- Sebastien Tailhades, Business Development Domain Manager in charge of Earth Observation, OHB
The second conversation, moderated by Gunter Schreier, Chairman of IPAC – ISPRS, focused on international cooperation and welcomed as panellists:
- Yana Gevorgyan, Secretary General, Group on Earth Observation
- Asanda Sangoni, Head of the Earth Observation Directorate, South African National Space Agency
- Pakorn Apaphant, Executive Director, Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, Thailand
Finally, the event featured a wrap-up session with all previous panellists focusing on the measures to maximise the policy impact of EO.
Key Takeaways of the Side Event are available here.
A selection of photos from the side event can be found below: