This study was conducted in cooperation with Observer Research Foundation and comprises contributions from Indian space experts with diverse professional profiles – from research analysts in leading Indian think tanks to space lawyers and astropreneurs. Such a composition of authorship allows to address the topic from various perspectives: policy, law, commerce, and security.
The report is composed of ten thematic chapters, each offering educated suggestions and analyses on matters relevant to Europe-India cooperation in space. The report aims to:
- Review status of engagement in space matters between Europe and India
- Investigate most recent space policies and programmes’ development in India and assess its impact on fostering closer and mutually beneficial cooperation between Europe and India.
- Identify opportunities of G2G, research and academic as well as industry engagement considering the industrial and entrepreneurial dynamics in both regions.
The achieve the objectives, the study maps engagement opportunities in the value chain, including space transportation and spacecraft manufacturing in the upstream segment and satellite communications (DTH, satellite broadband, etc), Earth observation, geospatial and PNT services in the downstream. Furthermore, it examines the policy and regulatory frameworks, which seem crucial to unfold the potential cooperation. Moreover, the report reviews the Indian Tax code, the Export Control, the regulations on supervision, authorisation and liability, the FDI and IPR and their effect on the ease of doing business in the upstream and downstream. Finally, the report presents possible lessons for the “Commercial Space Act in India”, which could be modified to adopt some of the best practices from European stakeholders on both regional and national levels.