Space has become increasingly a domain of power policy and an arena for the demonstration of countries’ power and strategic autonomy in the space arena. Taking stock of this trend, our ESPI Executive Summary Measuring Space Power of the Springer Book “Measuring Space Power” explores in a theoretical and empirical investigation:
- How to define and measure space power
- Creation of a power map
- If Europe should and how Europe can become a space power
In this study we made a comparative assessment of the major space actors worldwide. The study unveils that Europe is not yet a space power but a space faring nation. The underlying objective was to examine Europe’s relative position in space and put into perspective its purported ambition to assert itself as a space power with the necessary means and resources required to meet this goal.
The 3 main conclusions of the study are:
- Europe is an established spacefaring region, but still lags behind full-fledged space powers in particular in terms of autonomy.
- Europe’s path towards space power status is paved with major economic, security and political stakes requiring sustained efforts.
- Making of Europe a full-fledged Space Power is a matter of political will. Perspectives on this issue are likely to evolve in the future.