The European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) had the pleasure of welcoming representatives of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea in Vienna and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) on 1 June 2023 for the signing of a landmark memorandum of understanding (MoU) between ESPI and KARI.
In light of ESPI’s forthcoming 20th anniversary and as the Institute looks ahead to the next 20 years, it is clear that good faith international cooperation will remain paramount to the success and sustainability of space activities. This remains particularly important as the space sector becomes increasingly multipolar with the introduction of new space actors, both state and non-state.
With its productive history of technical expertise and involvement in the space sector, KARI hopes to become more involved in the policy and regulation side of space activities. Similarly, while ESPI is grounded in Europe, it has ambitions to increase its global reach and engagement, making this new chapter of cooperation between ESPI and KARI forward-looking and hopeful.
Representatives of our host nation Austria from FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency and Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation & Technologie, have also joined the ceremony.