Launched at the Paris Peace Forum in 2021, the Net Zero Space Initiative is a multi-stakeholder platform calling to achieve sustainable use of outer space by 2030 by taking concrete actions to mitigate the generation of new orbital debris and remediate existing ones. It especially aims at raising awareness at a political level and in the public at large to better protect Earth’s orbital environment and foster interoperable norms in this regard.
ESPI pledges to contribute to achieving the objectives of PPF’s Net Zero Space Initiative by:
- Providing proposals, recommendations and policy options to decision makers on solutions to safety, sustainability and security challenges in space;
- Promoting cooperative solutions for an effective and reliable space traffic management at a global level, leveraging research and engagement with key stakeholders;
- Monitoring and analysing key space sector developments with a view to anticipate major trends shaping the space environment.
The 2021 Net Zero Space declaration is available here.
The recent ESPI engagement in the field of space safety and sustainability include:
- ESPI Report No. 82 – Space Environment Capacity
- ESPI Report No. 76 – In-orbit Services
- ESPI Report No. 70 – Towards a European Approach to Space Traffic Management
- The European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) and the Secure World Foundation (SWF) Regulator to Regulator Dialogue on Licensing Large Constellations
- ESPI Evening Side Event to the 60th session of UN COPUOS STSC with the support of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the European Southern Observatory (ESO), and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Observatory: “Dark and Quiet Skies”
- Executive Brief No. 54: “UN resolution on norms of responsible behaviours in space: a step forward to preserve stability in space?”
- Executive Brief No. 37: “Rethinking the Assessment of the Value of Spectrum”
- ESPI contribution to the UN Open-Ended Working Group on reducing space threats
- Participation in two EU-funded projects (Horizon 2020) on Space Traffic Management – EUSTM and Spaceways
About the Paris Peace Forum:
The Paris Peace Forum is a French initiative launched in 2018 to create a multi-stakeholder platform in Paris to address global governance issues. Throughout the year, the Forum works to strengthen the governance of common goods, such as space, cyberspace, or the oceans, and to improve the international management of global issues, development of AI and disruptive technologies or ecological and social transition of the economy.